Comprehensive Testing

Get insight into your health

Functional Test Offerings


Comprehensive Hormone TESTING

DUTCH Sex and Stress Hormone Testing by Precision Analytical

Hormones are chemical messengers that help the brain and organ system communicate with one another. Hormones program your sleep-wake cycle, dictate your energy levels, and impact your reproductive function from menstruation and fertility, to libido and mood. The complete dutch test is a comprehensive assessment of your sex and adrenal hormones, as well as melatonin and organic acids. This in-depth analysis of hormone rhythm, levels, and metabolism will help you understand your health on a deeper level. The test generates detailed report to help direct treatment and monitor your progress following therapeutic interventions.


Lifestyle genetic testing

LoveMyHealthPro by DNA Labs Canada

Uncover the inner you with access to lifestyle genetic testing. DNA is found in every cell of your body. It is your blueprint, that runs code for what you look like and what you feel like! Your unique genes play a big role in your unique response to nutritional and lifestyle factors. Genomic testing empowers you to improve your health and well-being by providing you with a detailed report that enables you to take actionable steps towards tailoring your nutrition, lifestyle, and exercise routine to your unique genetic makeup.


Food SENSITIVITY testing

Food Sensitivities by Rocky Mountain Analytical

You eat food every day of your life. If the foods that you are eating are contributing to inflammation and reactions, they are doing you more harm than good. Food sensitivities are delayed food reactions, often developing hours to days after you consume the food. This makes it very difficult to discern your food sensitivities without testing. Food allergies are IgE reactions, which are different than food sensitivities which cause and IgG reaction. In an IgG reaction, the IgG antibodies attach themselves to the antigen and create an antibody-antigen complex. The antigen-antibody complexes accumulate and can be deposited in body tissues where they cause inflammation and contribute to the development of disease. Conditions commonly associated with food sensitivities include migraines, headaches, digestive upset and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), skin conditions like acne and eczema, mood and attention deficit disorders (ADD/ADHD), resistant weight gain, pain and joint swelling, low energy and brain fog. Food sensitivity testing is a great first step to optimizing your health!


Gastrointestinal testing

GI-MAP by Diagnostic Solutions

The gut microbiome plays an important role in overall health. The gut has digestive, immune, metabolic, and neurochmical functions in the body. Assessing gut health through thorough testing is a tool that can help identify the root cause of health concerns and chronic illness. Often, hormone imbalances, mood disorders, inflammation, and pain all have a connection to the gut microbiome. The GI-MAP is a stool test that goes above and beyond to assess the DNA of your stool by PCR and detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and overall intestinal function. Understanding the health of your gut is foundational to your overall health and wellbeing.