The benefits of Naturopathic Medicine during a pandemic


The value of Naturopathic Medical care during COVID-19

With the extra demand on the urgent care part of our healthcare system because of COVID-19, now is the time to take advantage of naturopathic healthcare.

Naturopathic Medicine is founded on a number of principles🌱:

1. 🙅🏻‍♀️First do no harm 

2. 🔍Identify and treat the cause

3. 🩺Treat the whole person

4. 🌿The healing power of nature

5. 👩🏻‍🏫Doctor as teacher 

6. ✋🏼Prevention

7. 🔬Evidence based medicine

These principles guide me everyday with regards to where naturopathic medical services fit into the larger picture of healthcare in Canada.

These principles should also help guide you, the patient, to know when to seek out a Naturopathic Physician. Looking for reliable information and guidance during this pandemic? Book a virtual appointment to start or continue your treatment plan from the safety and comfort of your home.

1. First do no harm 🙅🏻‍♀️

As a medical professional, I must lead by example during this pandemic. This is why I am currently practicing social distancing at home, and I have moved my practice to telemedicine only. Virtual appointments help keep both patients and physicians safe from infectious particles. Virtual consults also prevent you from being harmed by loss of contact with your physician during this uncertain time. Through virtual care we will follow up on your treatment plan, refine your protocol as needed, and refill your supplements and prescriptions, which can be shipped straight to your door! If you are a new patient, you can book an initial consultation in order to get the support you need at this time.

2. Identify and treat the cause 🔍

With regards to catching viral infections, the cause is typically a poorly functioning immune system. There are a number of factors that lead to a suppressed immune system including high stress, poor diet, sugar intake, alcohol consumption, poor sleep, gastrointestinal dysbiosis, nutrient deficiencies, as well as other underlying health concerns. In general, being really young or elderly often increases the risk of infection. Instead of just treating the infection, I also address the reason you are getting sick frequently in the first place!

3. Treat the whole person 🩺

Now more than ever the connection between the body and the mind is evident. Our perception is everything! This pandemic has required many health and government officials to make public announcements multiple times a day to relay important information to the public. As essential as this is, it has also triggered a lot of anxiety! As a physician I aim to treat every aspect on your health, not your individual concerns in isolation from one another. When your whole self feels better, so do all the little pieces of your health. Wellness is health of your mind, body, and spirit.

4. The healing power of nature 🌿

Your body has its own natural ability to heal, and return to balance. Often there are barriers that are preventing, or at the very least slowing, your body’s natural healing process. I help my patients identify and remove these barriers to healing in order to speed up recovery. I also use this guiding principle to treat patients with the most gentle effective therapies first, and progress to higher level therapies only if they are required.

5. Doctor as teacher 👩🏻‍🏫

During times of uncertainty it is particularly important to get your health information from reliable sources. I am offering virtual health consultations to help clarify the misinformation out there, and reinforce the most important public health initiatives at this time. The top three things I seem to be reinforcing these days are: hygiene - wash your hands properly and do not touch your face or unwashed surfaces; social distancing - stay home, only leave your house for essential errands, exercise, and to let your kids or pets get some fresh air; adapt - ease your anxiety and restlessness with new hobbies and activities you can do at home, and by finding ways to connect socially using video and phone calls. Consult your primary care provider for important COVID-19 information that applies to you and your family.

6. Prevention ✋🏼

During outbreaks like COVID-19, where we do not have a vaccine to help control the spread, prevention is the most important public health strategy! To prevent this infection, support your immune system on a daily basis so that you don’t get sick in the first place. Take the public health strategies seriously to avoid transmission of the virus. This is not a spring break stay-cation!

7. Evidence based medicine 🔬

Every day we are getting new data and literature published about this novel coronavirus. These updates help guide preventative measures, general immune support strategies, as well as treatment interventions. As healthcare practitioners we are expected to read reports daily and constantly adapt to the new recommendations. I have been keeping a watchful eye on the evolving literature and have been using it to support the recommendations that I am making for my patients. Though the studies published are preliminary, because we are living in unprecedented times, this evidence is the best available evidence we have at this time.

During this challenging time, I would advise you to get your health advice from credible sources and take public health initiatives seriously.

Interested in how to support your health and the wellbeing of your whole family at this time? Book a virtual health consult in order to begin or continue care from the safety and comfort of your home.

I would love to hear what protective measures you are taking?

How are your supporting your immune system?

How are you keeping yourself, your pets, and/or your kids entertained indoors?

Take care, 

Dr. Laura Nicholas, ND 

This content is not intended to be substituted or interpreted as medical advice and should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health concern. Please book a consultation with me or a qualified healthcare professional before acting on any information presented here.