Telemedicine & Response to the Pandemic


Telemedicine & Response to the Pandemic

In order to support social distancing and public health initiatives to manage the pandemic, Dr. Nicholas has suspended all in-person visits until mid May. Naturopathic Medicine remains an essential service. Dr. Nicholas is continuing to provide medical care to both new and existing patients through telemedicine. Book online or call 604-685-1181 to schedule a virtual telemedicine visit.

If you are looking for resources to educate yourself on the novel virus please access the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the BC Public Health Authority (BC CDC). Here are some additional helpful resources:


Naturopathic Medicine is an essential service. In order to support your ongoing needs and take the burden off the healthcare system, Dr. Nicholas is continuing to serve her existing patients, and is now accepting new patients. Book your virtual telemedicine visit online or by calling 604-685-1181.


Dr. Nicholas is prescribing supplements through her Fullscript dispensary at this time. These supplements will be shipped directly to your home for your convenience and safety. Dr. Nicholas also prescribes pharmaceutical medications. To renew your prescription or get a new prescription book an appointment. Your prescription can be filled at your local pharmacy or compounding pharmacy. Most pharmacies are now offering prescription deliveries straight to your home.

If you have any further questions or concerns at this time please send me an email at I will respond in 48 hours or less.

Take care, 

Dr. Laura Nicholas, ND 

This content is not intended to be substituted or interpreted as medical advice and should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health concern. Please book a consultation with me or a qualified healthcare professional before acting on any information presented here.